New Reduced price! Tinta crema colore Echosline linea professionale 100 ml

Echosline professional line cream color 100 ml

New product

3521 Items

2,56 €

-1,70 €

4,26 €

Professional hair coloring cream enriched with Beeswax and Vitamin C. Its innovative formulation achieves high performance, even under the most varied environmental and climatic conditions, making the hair shiny and shiny. Its specific active ingredients allow natural protection of the hair , carrying out a conditioning and emollient action.Echos Color ensures total coverage of white hair and allows for long-lasting colors thanks to the antioxidant properties of vitamin C. It is recommended to use it in combination with the oxidizing emulsion in Echosline cream to guarantee an 'high stability of the reflection tone and reduce the color change.

PREPARATION: in a non-metallic container, mix 50ml. of cream and 75ml of Echosline oxidizing cream emulsion of the preset volumes (mixing ratio 1: 1.5)
The super lightening series must be mixed 1 + 2 (eg: 50ml of cream + 100ml of oxidizing emulsion at 40vL